Bonus episode: DC Environmental Film Festival streaming!

Episodes, Film Club / Friday, March 27th, 2020

I want to share a great resource with all of you staying at home because of coronavirus, a lovely collection of environmental documentaries curated by the DC Environmental Film Festival. Through the end of the month—this coming Tuesday, March 31—the festival has gone online. That means that over 70 environmental films, short- and long-form, narrative and documentary, are available to stream for free until the end of the month. I’ve just dipped my toe in, but have been blown away by beautiful images of remote wild places and shocked by environmental destruction. And because there are so many short films in the mix, there are great choices for parents to show your children, or to introduce a movie night along or with your partner. Again, many of these will not be available after this month, so check them out now. Go to for links to all the available films.

I’ll be updating this post with recommendations as I watch more of the films.

  • March of the Newts: A beautiful 4-minute short following the rough-skinned newt, a small salamander in the Pacific Northwest. Must-watch for an amazing sequence in the middle where groups of newts swim together in huge balls. The film has no dialogue, but information at the end about how to protect these newts from a deadly disease that has wiped out salamander populations in Europe.
  • A Walk through the Land of a Thousand Hills: An 11-minute documentary following a bird guide through Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda. Gorgeous images of the flora and fauna in this exotic place, and an uplifting story of conservation in central Africa.

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