Year 2, Ep. 8: Going Vegan

Climate Tips, Episodes, Recipes

This week, I’m responding to my friend Jason’s question: Do you have any tips on going vegan while being cooped up at home because of the coronavirus? I share 8 tips from my 8 months as a vegan (funny how that works out). Now I’ve been vegan since September, so I’m no vegan black belt. […]

April 23, 2020

Episode 26: Go-To Recipes

Episodes, Recipes

This week, I challenged myself to cook and eat one type of local, seasonal vegetable I’ve never cooked before. Well, I failed, but primarily because I wanted to cook up vegetables I already had in the kitchen (just say no to food waste!). Take a listen: In the episode, I share my go-to recipe for […]

November 20, 2019

Episode 7: DIY deodorant with Josh Huffman, Part II

Episodes, Recipes

In the second half of my interview with Josh Huffman, I talk about my experience making my deodorant and Josh gives me tips to perfect my recipe as well as more general advice about making your own cosmetics. And I share a recipe for an exfoliating face mask with only two ingredients. You can listen […]

May 23, 2019

Bonus: Josh’s DIY Face wash

Climate Tips, Recipes

Ingredients: 1/2 + 1/8 cup of baking soda (anti-bacterial properties, exfoliant) 1/4 cup of coconut oil (anti-bacterial properties, moisturizer, helps remove oil, BUT coconut oil is fairly comedogenic, so it can contribute to clogged pores, so I balance it out with:) 1/8 cup of olive, grape seed, or avocado oil (similar properties as coconut oil, […]

May 14, 2019

Episode 6: DIY deodorant with Josh Huffman, Part I

Episodes, Recipes

This week and next I’m talking to my good friend Josh Huffman, who’s been making his own cosmetics for over six years, about deodorant. I’d like to share his deodorant recipe: Josh’s deodorant Ingredients, equal parts of Coconut oil Shea butter Baking soda Arrowroot powder (can substitute with cornstarch) Melt the coconut oil and shea […]

May 14, 2019