Year 2, Ep. 10: Stories from the Future


Back to the podcast with a speculative interview! ACUD MACHT NEU’s curator Daniela Silvestrin interviews me in May 2030 to talk about “Stories from the Future,” the series of workshops we’re working on with “Collective Practices.” What a trip! For more information about the workshops, check out my dedicated page here.

May 27, 2020

Year 2, Ep. 8: Going Vegan

Climate Tips, Episodes, Recipes

This week, I’m responding to my friend Jason’s question: Do you have any tips on going vegan while being cooped up at home because of the coronavirus? I share 8 tips from my 8 months as a vegan (funny how that works out). Now I’ve been vegan since September, so I’m no vegan black belt. […]

April 23, 2020

Year 2, Ep. 7: Stay Strong with Can-Do Invitations


With corona getting me down, I scrap my original plan of talking about the post-corona degrowth utopia to talk about scaled back ambitions and life in the new corona reality. Inside of giving myself a new challenge, I’m opting for can-do invitations. Plus, a lottery for basic income during the coronavirus crisis ( and more […]

March 31, 2020

Year 2, Ep. 3: Degrowth and race

Book Club, Episodes

Today I introduce the concept of degrowth and start my celebration of Black Future Month by looking for black voices who have written about degrowth or related visions. I look at a 2013 article in Sustainability by Brian Gilmore on degrowth and racial inequality, talk about N. K. Jemisin’s short story about anti-colonial technological innovation […]

February 17, 2020

Ep. 27: Buy Nothing Day

climate activism, Episodes

This Friday, November 29, is Buy Nothing Day and the Global Climate Strike! I talk about Buy Nothing Day, why it’s important, and how to get involved. Plus, two stories about divestment–at the European Investment Bank and the Yale-Harvard football game–are giving me hope this week. Happy Thanksgiving, and see you in a few weeks! […]

November 26, 2019

Episode 26: Go-To Recipes

Episodes, Recipes

This week, I challenged myself to cook and eat one type of local, seasonal vegetable I’ve never cooked before. Well, I failed, but primarily because I wanted to cook up vegetables I already had in the kitchen (just say no to food waste!). Take a listen: In the episode, I share my go-to recipe for […]

November 20, 2019

Episode 25: Food Miles and Local Produce


Last week I talked about what a difference meat makes in your carbon foodprint. This week I take a closer look at food miles and offer suggestions on how to eat local. (Hint: Eat seasonal!) Resources on food miles and climate Tom Philpott wrote a nice summary of debates related to food miles for Grist […]

November 20, 2019