In case you missed it: Sauercrowded does a climate diet

News / Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

This past week, I talked to the ladies of Sauercrowded, a German-language DIY and sustainability podcast, about my experience going on a climate diet. Since our chat is in German, I thought I’d jot down the main points for those of you who don’t speak German. And if you do, head over to their website to hear the whole episode!

First: Where to go

In doing research for our chat, I found two more great climate calculators:

I emitted 4 tons of carbon last year, according to UBA’s calculator. But…
…I also avoided several times that amount, mostly through my green bank accounts.

Lessons learned

  • You get more “bang for your buck” in one-time actions, like changing your bank account (or default search engine or energy provider), than in everyday decisions you have to keep making.
  • Individual change is only one piece of the puzzle. It’s also important to agitate for political change.